Diary of a Cyclist – My World of Long, Short and Ultra Bike Rides


  • The entrance to the Lee Valley Olympic Velodrome in London

    What’s Track Cycling On London’s Olympic Velodrome Like?

    When watching the world’s top track cycling elites on telly, have you ever thought to yourself—what’s that like? And—should I give it a go? Well, here’s what to expect… and yes, you should!

  • Graph showing upward fitness trajectory representing how I got in the best shape of my life.

    How I Got In The Best Shape Of My Life In Only 5 Weeks

    After leaving Farnham under a beautiful sunny sky, a patch of gravel on a bend put me in the hedge. Three broken ribs and a separated shoulder saw me grounded. Somehow I managed an almost miraculous return to fitness that put me in the best shape of my life. This is how…

  • Carbon seatpost clamp with dots of white correction fluid ready to 3D scan.

    How To Reverse Engineer & 3D Print A Bike Part

    Well, here I am again… I can’t seem to find the aluminium clamp for this seatpost—well, not all of it! Like a red rag to a bull, I accept the challenge, 3D scan it with my phone, reverse engineer it from pictures, and make one myself.

Vintage Steel

After living in Soho for two decades, I rebooted my passion for cycling, set out on a weight-loss journey, struggled with my physical fitness, and started a ride that’s taken me nearly four times around the world and ten times into space (so far)… Join me…

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